I'm a true believer that we are all unique and have different needs and each one of us react different with all kinds of foods.
Some of us are privileged that the body does not react to anything no matter what we eat... For others, not so much. There is a lot of people dealing with many food restrictions and allergies.
That is why it is important to listen to YOUR needs. What works for me might not work for you and vice versa.
I am constantly playing with my diet and listening to what my body needs.
Today I woke up wanting a plant based day, so I made it happen.
Here it some recipes to can work as inspiration factors for you and the beauty of it all, is that you can play with whatever you have in your refrigerator.
For breakfast:
Veggie Bowl
For lunch I gathered a bunch of leftovers together. A great tip I like to give it is to cook in big batches, for example things like Quinoa that is such a easy add on for so many things. If you are already cooking, why not make a big batch to have on hands later?
Quinoa Bowl

Directions: In mixing bowl add all the ingredients and enjoy them cold or you could heat it up. For this meal I ate cold!
Bon Appetit
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